Below you will find, a couple of words about me

What can I tell you about me that you would actually want to know? 🙂  Well, I’ll start off by saying that I’m a family man at heart.  Above everything and all that I do, my family will always be #1.  I’ve been fortunate enough to have been around and met some remarkable people over the years.  I’ve also been able to travel extensively over the last 15 years, so I’d consider myself a really lucky man!

Born and raised in sunny California, I am the son of two immigrant parents from Taiwan, who ventured to the shores of the U.S. of A. to fulfill their dreams.  I couldn’t have asked for better parents and they have taught me everything that I know and is the reason for much of who I am today.  I grew up in the peninsula of the Bay Area in a little town called Foster City and led a pretty regular childhood!  I played the Violin as well as the Piana (as did all Chinese kids around the neighborhood did!) I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors, playing sports, and mucking with anything electronic.  I then ventured myself down to Southern California where I attended UCLA and majored in Computer Science.  Had 4 of the best years of my life down in LA but knew that the Bay Area was where I wanted to ultimately settle down.  I moved home, started working in the tech world, met the woman of my dreams, started a family, and the rest of history!  If you are still interested in learning more, follow me here or on Twitter to keep up with my shenanigans!